Conditions for international collaboration regarding defence-related research, technology and materials


  • Lindgren Fredrik
  • Axelson Mattias
  • Lundmark Martin
  • Stenholm Lars
  • Tarras-Wahlberg Bo
  • Törnqvist Stefan

Publish date: 2002-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0628--SE

Pages: 160

Written in: Swedish


International collaboration regarding research, technology and defence-related materiel is in this report being analysed on five levels: defence and security policy, military capability, capability solutions, materiel systems and technology. There is a dynamic aspect and an interaction that implies that changes on one level affects the conditions on other levels. Sweden´s international commitment within defence materiel collaboration has increased substantially since the mid 1990´s. Since Sweden´s resources for participating in collaborations are limited, there is presently a need to consolidate and more actively prioritise the national participation. Sweden should strive to create collaborations together with its most prioritised collaborative partners on all five levels and that these collectively should support and reinforce each other. Thereby better conditions are created for a far-reaching, robust and rewarding relation between Sweden and the collaborative nation in question (or group of nations). Research, technology development, studies and demonstrators are for all levels a prerequisite for a competent participation and are well suited in order to establish early collaboration and thereby create a foundation for long-term co-operation. This report presents the background material that is the foundation for FOI´s response to a government commission to "analyse the opportunities to create better conditions for international materiel and technology collaboration" (Fö2001/2963/MIL, FOI 01-0455:18).