Search of orphan gamma radiation sources
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0797--SE
Pages: 23
Written in: English
This report describes the Gamma Seach Cell (GSC) exercise that was performed during Barents Rescue 2001. The aim for the GSC exercise was to give teams from Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germay, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden the opportunity to seach for 31 different gamma radiation sources under realistic conditions and to report their findings. The search was performed by helicopters and by cars. The participating teams were very satisfied with the exercise and the opportunity it gave to practise and to exchange experiences with other teams. The report gives information about the design of the exercise, search results and drawn conclusions. The results show the difficulties in these types of missions. The report ends with some ideas about future exercises.