FoRMA. Annual Report 2002
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0804--SE
Pages: 94
Written in: Swedish
The FoRMA projects are sponsored by the Swedish Armed Forces and have been carried out in co-operation with the Swedish Defence Maten& Administration (FIVIV). The FoRMA organizabon consästs of several working groups for different problem areas. A common scenario togetner. The work has been connected to the Swedish Defence Long Range Planning Process. Studies of networks and NCW have been an important task. Participation in other studies, mainly Perspective Studies and the Air Defence Study (LFS 02), has been a major effort. The work will be carried out in mainly the same way in 2003. The connection with the Perspective Studies will be stronger with common garnes and other analytical activities, and the focus on issues connected with the Defence Decision is stressed. The study of NCW has a high priority.