Tio föredrag vid norsk-svenskt möte med försvarsmiljöforskare 2002


  • Ahlberg Mats (Ed.)

Publish date: 2003-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0901--SE

Pages: 19

Written in: Other


This report contains abstracts from the ten presentations below that were given at a defence research environmental meeting in Ursvik, Stockholm, 24th October 2002. AMEC - Artic Military Environmental Cooperation, Thor Engøy, FFI Oslo. Environmental maps as operative support for international operations, Birgitta Liljedahl and Christina Edlund, FOI Umeå. Environmental risk assessment of hazardous industrial materials in Kosovo, John Aa Tørnes, FFI Oslo. Two environmental systems analysis tools, Elisabeth Hochschorner, KTH and FOI Stockholm. Environmental assessment of lead free ammunition - leaching test with contaminated soil, Arnljot Strømseng, FFI Oslo. Reuse of explosives, Joakim Hägvall, FOI Grindsjön. MILSTØY (a tool for calculating noise), Nils Ivar Nilsen, Forsvarsbygg Oslo. Toxicity tests with Nitocra spinipes - effects from TNT contaminated sediment, Rune Berglind and Mona Koch, FOI Umeå. Studies of marine pollution, Arnt Johnsen, FFI Oslo. The procect Environmental Risk Assessment at the FOI NBC-protection division in Umeå, Jan Sjöström, FOI Umeå.