War game for the Tactical UAV study, MSS Kvarn 2002
Publish date: 2004-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1153--SE
Pages: 48
Written in: Swedish
This report is an account for the war games that were played for the Tactical UAV study (ATK00064S) in November 2002, at the Kvarn Army Combat School. Participants were: members in the study group, players in the games and operational analysts. Three different scenarios were played, with the purpose of measuring the benefit gained by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for a unit´s commander. To measure the benefit, two games were played for each scenario - one game without followed by one game with a UAV-system, with a following analysis of differences in effect measures between the games. The games were played with an electronic whiteboard with around ten saved time steps per game, which afterwards easily can be analysed in a computer. The three scenarios played were all developed from STS-A.