Generisk VV&A process: En VV&A handbok från THALES JP 11.20
Publish date: 2004-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1379--SE
Pages: 79
Written in: English
During march 2003 to August 2004 the FOI-project "VV&A(verification, validation and accreditation) of simulation modells´" has participated in an European cooperation THALES JP 11.20, "Common validation,verification and accreditation framework for simulation", within CEPA (Common European Priority Area)WEAG (Western european Armaments Group). The purpose of JP11.20 was to develop a technical platform for a common European VV&A methodology. This report presents the result from the cooperation by enclosing one of the two JP 11.20 main reports in it whole as an appendix. In the enclosed JP 11.20 report a generic VV&A process is presented as a User´s Manual which is intended to be easy to inderstand for the user, i.e.those who conduct VV&A. The process consists of a flow of activities and products that are generated from the activities, and enables the user to plan and conduct a VV&A endeavour according the the JP 11.20 methodology.