Multi-disciplinary optimization of a low-signature air vehicle - Status report December 2004


  • Nelsson Claes
  • Gustafsson Magnus
  • Rahm Jonas
  • Strifors Hans
  • Winzell Thomas

Publish date: 2004-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1465--SE

Pages: 34

Written in: Swedish


When designing low-signature air vehicles several disciplines have to be integrated: The signature has to be as low as possible for different threat sensor systems and aerodynamic and manoeuvre characteristics have to fulfil the requirements. A common process is needed where different concepts can be evaluated and optimizations can be made with respect to several parameters. The project reported here is conducted during 2004-2005 within the framework of FoT8 and is coordinated with the project "Utformning lågsignaturfarkost" which is conducted in FoT25. Both projects are carried out completely at FOI and the objective is to design, analyze and improve a UCAV concept (Unmanned combat air vehicle called EIKON) which is inspired by the experimental air vehicle Pegasus. The project presented here focuses mainly on sensor related issues such as requirements, signature modelling, and signature analysis. Also, low observable materials are treated. This is a status report of the preformed activities during the present year. The formulation of the requirements has started but is not finished. Signature modelling has been carried out for MWIR (3-5 µm) and for radar (8-12 GHz) for the first design of EIKON. The achieved results have been analyzed jointly in the two projects.