Chemical disasters and toxicology - a historical perspective


  • Berglind Rune
  • Cassel Gudrun
  • Persson Sven-Åke

Publish date: 2005-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1599--SE

Pages: 45

Written in: Swedish


This report is a review of historical chemical disasters from a toxicological perspective. In the initial part of the report, definitions, characteristics, and limitations of the concept chemical disaster and a number of other important and relevant concepts are outlined. Thereafter, chemical disasters, which could be characterized as natural disasters, are treated. These disasters will occur without the influence of man, but man could certainly affect their outcome. Then, chemical disasters are described, that are in part or totally man-made. The man-made chemical disasters are represented by acts of war and terrorism but also by chemical disasters connected with industrial activity, mining and transportation of hazardous chemicals. Finally, chemical disasters, which have occurred or could occur in Sweden, are dealt with. Every section of the report is finished by a few analytical comments. It is our hope that the lessons learned from this review will build the basis for future risk analyses in a perspective of disaster and toxicology of use to Swedish chemical disaster planning and preparedness.