MOMS - Analysis and evaluation of experimental data
Publish date: 2006-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--2012--SE
Pages: 32
Written in: English
This milestone report from the MOMS project covers the first two quarters of 2006. In the report, the experimental activities and some analysis of collected data are described. The data collection activities are reported and some methods for data analysis are presented. Spatial information seems to be relevant for the mine detection task. However, it was found that successful extraction of spatial features from 3-D data hinges on acquiring accurate measurements and has thus highlighted the need for high performance sensors, such as 3-D laser radar with high range resolution and accuracy. Results from simulations of 3-D signatures show that the large AT mines can be detected based on the shape of the waveforms only. In the IR the contrasts are more stable in the time between sunset and sunrise, due to lower background clutter rather than significant IR levels. Wintertime IR measurements show clear contrasts during a diurnal cycle as long as the mines are not completely buried in snow. Also after a snowfall, when the mines are covered with a thin layer of snow, the mines will bring a minor contrast to the surface of snow. Some new sensors and laboratory equipment for surface characterization are also presented.