Radar sensors for urban environment - final report


  • Nilsson Stefan
  • Gustafsson Magnus
  • Karlsson Mikael
  • Kjellgren Jan
  • Larsson Håkan
  • Sume Ain
  • Örbom Anders

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2137--SE

Pages: 63

Written in: Swedish


The report summarises the activities and the main results produced in the two-year research project Radar sensors for urban environment. Several of the sensor capabilities of highest priority in military tasks in the urban scenario - local battlefield surveillance, and the need to "look through walls" - require system solutions based on radar. Police actions against terrorism or serious crime also make demands for the ability of detecting persons in closed rooms or weapons concealed by clothing. The radar sensor has all-weather capability and ability to penetrate most type of material. This fact has been guiding the activity in the project. In co-operation with two other projects, it has also carried out imaging wall-penetrating radar measurements of a person standing behind walls of different types. The images produced have the highest resolution yet published. A comparison with calculated radar images shows good qualitative agreement. Furthermore, a new method has been developed for fusion of 3D radar data with optical data, which increases the possibility to detect threat objects, concealed by clothing. Basic data were collected in a measuring campaign towards a person with a weapon under clothing. In addition, studies have been carried out to illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of Doppler radar in the urban environment, including a study of noise radar. The project has financed the development of a generic radar system with which various urban noise radar concepts can be tested. The targeted effect of the project has been to create a sufficiently good platform to be able to develop, new methods and system concepts for a hand-held equipment for the Swedish task force soldier in international missions in the urban environment.