Nord Stream, Sweden and Baltic Sea Security
Publish date: 2007-04-18
Report number: FOI-R--2251--SE
Pages: 110
Written in: English
- Nord Stream
- Sverige
- Ryssland
- Baltikum
- säkerhetspolitik
- energi
- energisäkerhet
- naturgas
- olja
- råvaroe
- rörledning
- Östersjön
- beroende
- sårbarhet
- Sweden
- Russia
- Baltic
- security
- energy
- natural gas
- oil
- pipelines
- commodities
- Baltic Sea
- dependence
- vulnerability
In June 2006, FOI published the report: Sweden and the NEGP: a Pilot Study of the North European Gas Pipeline and Sweden´s Dependence on Russian Energy, a base data report on a topic that FOI considered to be of rising importance. Much has happened since then and the NEGP has changed its name to Nord Stream and submitted an official notification on the intention of realising the project of constructing a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. The primary aim of this report is to discuss and analyse some of the core aspects of Nord Stream and the pipeline project with regard to the security situation for the Baltic Sea region. The report constitutes an updated version of the previous report. Most of the old report still stands valid, especially concerning the historical survey of Russia´s energy policy, but the new report has additional chapters and is broader in scope concerning the consequences of the project.