Sensor data. Hyper spectral camer and 3-d laser radar
Publish date: 2007-11-20
Report number: FOI-R--2325--SE
Pages: 19
Written in: Swedish
- hyper spectral camera
- laser scanner
- 3-D laser radar
- combined data
- data fusion
During the recent years an enhanced effort has been put on combining sensor data. In cooperation with several projects financed from the Swedish Armed Forces, the project Multi and hyper spectral surveillance has been studying methods to combine data at a level close to the sensor. This report describes a part of this effort where data from a hyper spectral camera has been connected to data from a laser scanner, and how data by this can be combined and hyper spectral data visualized in three dimensions. By first performing an anomaly detection on the hyper spectral data, data from the regions of interest can be passed on to further analysis.