User test C2W nr 5
Publish date: 2008-06-10
Report number: FOI-R--2505--SE
Pages: 52
Written in: Swedish
- Command and control warfare
- command and control ability
- demonstrator
- electronic warfare
- computer network operations
- information operations
- human factors
- man system interaction
- evaluation
- CNO.
FOI develops a demonstrator of the Command & Control Warfare Simulator (LedningsKrigföringsSimulator, LKS) on a FMV awarded contract. The purpose is to visualize effects of command and control warfare (C2W) on command and control ability. The current report describes the fifth experiment or user test with users from the Swedish Armed Forces. The experiment was conducted with version 3 of the demonstrator, with minor additions of newly developed technical functionality. The experimental method used was similar to previous experiments and with the same scenario as experiment four. The four participating officers manned a command staff controlling a rapid deployment force responsible for stability in an operational area, where the activity of an irregular force resulted in a number of incidents that the command staff had to manage. Both sides in the conflict had a number of electronic warfare and computer network operations actions at their disposal. Behavioral data collection was performed using behavioral science methods with the purpose of testing if and how C2 ability can be measured. However, the amount of data collected is too small to make any conclusions regarding command and control warfare and only examples of how data can be analyzed will be presented. The reason for this is that the main purpose of the experiment was to collect experiences for the continued development of the scenario, experiment design and data collection.