Fastighetsfrågor: Akademiska hus tel. 36 45 00, Övriga frågor: Lasse Andersson (v.30-31)


  • Börje Andersson
  • David Eklund
  • Andreas Gustafsson
  • Daniel Henriksson
  • Björn Lindgren

Publish date: 2008-05-30

Report number: FOI-R--2510--SE

Pages: 79

Written in: Swedish


  • ESM
  • radar
  • digital
  • receiver


TThis report is the final delivery in a project ordered by the Swedish Defence Material Administration. The project has been focused on wideband digital receivers for use at microwave frequencies in electronic warfare applications. The main purpose of the project has been to enhance the knowledge in the field and to provide information to people familiar with electronic warfare but without prior experience of digital signal processing. In the report there is a brief survey of the digital receiver market, showing that many companies are active in this field. Detailed technical information is however not easily accessible. Following the survey is a description of the essential parts of a digital receiver; the analog frontend, the analog-to-digital conversion and the digital signal processing. In this chapter a presentation of the current state-of-art concerning A-to-D converters is included, as well as an analysis of the performance evolution. Other topics covered are frequency channelization and estimation of signal parameters. With the purpose of gaining experience from a real system a digital receiver developed by Saab Avionics (Sweden) and Avitronics (South Africa) has been used in the project. In the report the receiver is briefly described together with an overview of the type of measurements used. In one chapter there is a discussion of the different benefits of digital receivers when compared to the traditional analog receiver types. Improved performance can be expected concerning most functions associated with electronic warfare systems. Examples of how low probability of intercept type of radars can be handled by using relevant digital signal processing are presented in a separate chapter. An important part of the project has been to analyse what consequences conversion to digital receivers will have within the responsibility of SWEWOSE1, the organization supporting the electronic warfare systems used by the Swedish Armed Forces. Together with people from Swedish Defence Material Administration and the National Defence Radio Establishment, SWEWOSE has been represented in a reference group where the results and the upcoming work in the project have been discussed.