Comparison of Simulation with Measurement
Publish date: 2008-10-14
Report number: FOI-R--2545--SE
Pages: 28
Written in: English
- close proximity effects
- simulation
During 2007 a series of tests were conducted in the basin S15 at FOI with the purpose to collect measurement data of the loading of a stiff target plate with the intent to validate and increase the capability to simulate close proximity effects. A total of 17 tests were performed were the charge weight, charge distances and the charge substances were varied. As target structure a "thick plate" from the Netherlands were used. In this report a comparison between the experimental results and simulations are performed. The report treats axisymmetric and three dimensional simulations as well as mesh dependency. The tools predicts the same physical phenomena although some discrepancies are discussed. A further discussion on the Round Robin case P00279A is also performed. The tests were conducted within the trilateral cooperation between Sweden, Canada and the Netherlands.