Methodology report - Information Fusion
Publish date: 2011-12-23
Report number: FOI-R--3281--SE
Pages: 57
Written in: Swedish
- Method
- decision support system
- decision making
This report is a compilation summarizing the methods used in (Johansson and Kylesten, 2005; Johansson and Kylesten, 2006; Berggren et al., 2007; Nilsson et al., 2008; Berggren and Kylesten, 2008; Berggren et al., 2008; Svenson, 2008; Svenson et al., 2009) aimed at developing the decision support tool Impactorium. The methods as well as the tool have been developed iteratively with influences from several disciplines, including Human Factors, Information Fusion and System Development. The Impactorium tool was developed in the project "Situation and Threat Assessment for Battle Group 2011". The aim of the project was to develop and evaluate conceptual prototypes for user driven information management, situation picture construction and threat assessment in asymmetric warfare to meet the needs of future Battle Groups. The results were delivered to MUST, FMKE, UndSäkC and INS J2. To ensure relevance of the project, experiences from international operations had to be incorporated. The methods described in this report show in part how this was accomplished.