MIMO channel measurements at 300 MHz for an elevated and a peer-to-peer scenario
Publish date: 2011-12-23
Report number: FOI-R--3282--SE
Pages: 44
Written in: English
- channel
- measurement
- radio
- wave propagation
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems operating at frequencies in the upper VHF and lower UHF region are attractive for communication applications where robustness is of high importance, e.g. in military tactical networks and emergency response systems. When designing and evaluating such systems, knowledge of realistic wave propagation conditions is required. This report presents results from an urban MIMO measurement campaign at 300 MHz performed in Malmö, Sweden. The measurement scenarios consist of both a peer-to-peer scenario and an elevated scenario. Measurements are performed along 23 receiver routes and for two fixed transmitter locations, using antenna arrays mounted on two cars. Channel characteristics and ergodic capacity for the 7×7 MIMO channels are extracted from the measured data. A path-gain model is derived for the measured scenario, and the distributions of the largescale fading, the Ricean K-factor, the delay spread, and the ergodic capacity are studied in detail. The correlation distance of the different channel parameters is also examined. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that several of the channel parameters are correlated, and also have a strong correlation with the capacity.