Status check of pressure vessel, initiator and thermo batteries in RBS15


  • Lars-Göran Hellgren
  • Isak Sommarström
  • Dan Martelin

Publish date: 2012-06-15

Report number: FOI-R--3440--SE

Pages: 40

Written in: Swedish


  • Initiator
  • squib
  • thermo batteries
  • pressure vessel
  • RBS15
  • test
  • cracks
  • cracking


Old components, 20 to 30 years old, in RBS15 have been tested concerning conformance to specification. Approximately 22 initiators (squibs) of five different types, ten thermo batteries and two types of pressure vessels, one with volume 7.6L made of steel and one 20.5L made of Kevlar. The deviations noted concerning initiation of one explosive bolt Holex and the output voltage after 310s of three thermo batteries are considered to depend on failure in the test procedure in those particular cases. Complementary tests of another test batch of initiators (squibs) showed proper function without deviations. The cracks discovered on the surface at the ends of the pressure vessel seams not to have affected the rupture, since it occurred in the middle. The cracks might depend on ageing and is recommended for further investigation in future tests. Future investigations should focus on ocular inspection for cracks in the middle of the pressure vessels, where the ruptures occurred. All test objects have been considered to have proper function well within specification.