Radio Network architectures


  • Anders Hansson
  • Jimmi Grönkvist

Publish date: 2013-10-03

Report number: FOI-R--3697--SE

Pages: 25

Written in: Swedish


  • Radio network architecture
  • cellular network
  • multihop network
  • mesh network
  • adhoc network.


Different types of radio communication systems will be a natural and necessary part of the military communications system. Depending on the need of robustness, mobility and other factors, different types of radio architectures may be appropriate for different scenarios. In this report, we give a short overview of pros and cons of different radio architectures, from fully centralized networks (e.g. cellular networks) to fully distributed (e.g. ad hoc networks). The basic differences between the architectures and how they affect performance is described. Some examples that are being discussed is how mobility and predictability will put requirements on the infrastructure and how range and capacity will affect each other.