Evaluation of the joint exercise 'Strålande Vinter 2013'
Publish date: 2014-03-24
Report number: FOI-R--3860--SE
Pages: 33
Written in: Swedish
- exercise
- evaluation
- joint operation
- reconstruction and exploration
The exercise Strålande Vinter 2013 took place at Älvdalens skjutfält during week 48, based on an initiative from the Swedish Customs. The purpose of the exercise was to find forms for cooperation and joint operations between the customs and other organizations where the customs has identified such a need. The scenario was of the type Rare events with low probability, but with high or very high consequences for the society. This report contains selected collected data and an analysis from the perspective of the Swedish Customs information needs. On a whole, the exercise was a success since the goal was achieved to increase understanding of the nature and problems of the exercised incidents, within the invited organizations. Based on analysis of the collected data, FOI recommends a 7-step process to continue this work and develop standard operating procedures for this type of joint operations: 1. Conduct a thorough survey, analysis and modeling of what agencies, organizations and other actors that have responsibilities, interests and abilities in these types of incidents. 2. Determine responsibilities, authorizations and delimitations for all identified actors. 3. Develop routines, procedures and plans for handling of these types of incidents, both for overall agency collaboration, local on scene collaboration and for respective organizations internal procedures. 4. All involved agencies are ordered to internally educate and train personnel on new procedures. 5. Establish a forum for lessons learned within the area. Preferably, an existing forum where the involved agencies already meet can be used, but if insufficient, a new forum needs be established. 6. Plan a series of exercises on command level as well as on scene operational level, internally within each organization, and jointly. 7. Plan recurrent evaluation and testing of the collaboration system.