Assessment of a vector hydrophone array system
Publish date: 2015-02-20
Report number: FOI-R--3991--SE
Pages: 47
Written in: English
- Vector Hydrophone Array
- Towed Sonar
- Signal Processing Techniques
- Left/Right Ambiguity
- 4
The purpose of the underlying project was to develop two Vector Hydrophone Array (VHA) systems and signal processing techniques, one for the Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and one for the Swedish Defence Research Agency, (FOI). This report summarizes an assessment of a VHA system (towed sonar) with respect to solving the left/right ambiguity when establishing the direction of a sound source. The assessment was carried out using data from a test measurement along with results from a calibration test. Based on the presented results it can be concluded that the VHA system allows for solving the left/right ambiguity for 800 Hz and 1200 Hz, but the system can probably handle frequencies from 400 Hz and upwards.