Synthetic Environment Modeling – final report 2014
Publish date: 2014-12-31
Report number: FOI-R--4009--SE
Pages: 24
Written in: Swedish
- 3D
- environment models
- terrain analysis
- simulation
- CityGML
- interoperability
- path-planning
- line-of-sight analysis
Synthetic Environment Modeling 2012-2014 has studied how 3D virtual environments can be effectively exploited to give an increased effect in simulation applications. A central part of the project has been to develop analysis software (Geo Analyst Library - GAL) that can be re-used, integrated and evaluated in different simulation environments. So far, the focus has been on path-planning and 3D line-of-sight analysis. In order to get closer to end-users, the project has collaborated with other projects within the M&S domain. This has created synergies and a foundation for an even better utilization of the combined knowledge in the M&S area. By doing so the project has contributed to ? giving a ranger squad 3D-based support during mission planning and execution of a mission (during an exercise) ? increasing the fidelity of a population simulation tool, intended as an education tool at the Swedish Ground Combat School ? enabling the simulation framework FLAMES to be fed with 3D terrain models created with standard geodata manipulation tools, and to be complemented with the functionality of GAL Due to the rapid development concerning geospatial technologies the project has also built competence to be able to offer customers expertise in this area. Specifically, the project has worked with modern technologies for representation, storage and distribution of 3D geographical data. This increase in competence, obtained through a literature surveys and practical testing, has since been exploited in georelated projects from FMV concerning e.g. client-server architectures, web services and international geodata standards. Since 2014, the project collaborates with the Norwegian Defence Research Institute (FFI) in a new three-year project that includes joint research and development of methods and technology for terrain analysis, with the purpose of increasing the fidelity of simulation of synthetic agents in virtual 3D environments. Through a number of presentations and demonstrations, the project has also spread knowledge about the potential of using 3D-based terrain analysis in the Swedish Armed Forces and FMV.