General model description of SSSV Mark
Publish date: 2020-05-04
Report number: FOI-R--4845--SE
Pages: 26
Written in: Swedish
- System models
- Ground combat
- Simulation
Within the project Simulation-based support for gaming and valuation (SSSV), the simulation model SSSV Mark 2018 was developed during the period 2016 - 2018. The projects background originates in the Swedish Armed Forces need for adjudication data to be used in operational level wargames. One stated purpose with the model is to be able to produce statistical outcomes that can form the basis for the development of adjudications. The main use of the model is for analytical studies of mechanized ground combat, where both technical performance and tactical behavior at different levels of command are central parameters. Within the model, own and hostile forces can be organized hierarchically, in platoons, companies, battalions, etc. This document gives an overview of the simulation model and its constituent submodels for environment, behavior, weapon effects, detection and classification.