Synergies Between Military Missions in Mali
Publish date: 2020-04-06
Report number: FOI-R--4915--SE
Pages: 52
Written in: English
- Mali
- international military missions
- peace support
- FC-G5S
- Barkhane
The United Nations peacekeeping mission MINUSMA, the European Union's capacity-building mission EUTM, the French-led counterterrorism force Barkhane, and the regional troops FC-G5S are all in Mali to support the national government in stabilising the country. Despite their efforts, the security crisis in Mali is severe and deteriorating. This report provides an analysis of the state of relations in the multi-actor constellation in Mali, as seen from the perspective of Swedish deployments to MINUSMA and EUTM. Through a mapping of engagements at the level of coexistence, coordination, and cooperation, the study identifies existing and prospective synergies between the missions. The analysis reveals that the missions coexist in relative harmony, presenting themselves as complementary pieces in solving the Malian security puzzle. Division of labour is a core premise of coexistence, which deliberately limits exchanges between missions. Coordination of activities and resources arises in reply to practical needs and is often informal. Cooperation is centred around camp protection and, when applicable, joint combat operations. As a whole, the study shows that each mission is mainly occupied with fulfilling its own given tasks under difficult circumstances. The existence of 'functional synergies' between the missions relates only faintly to potential synergies for Malian security.