Detection distances for tactical radio networks


  • Arwid Komulainen

Publish date: 2020-11-19

Report number: FOI-R--5007--SE

Pages: 31

Written in: Swedish


  • ad hoc network
  • detection distance
  • Lomben
  • Detvag


This report presents estimated detection distances for tactical radio networks based on path-loss calculations. Topics that are examined in the report are detection distances for a mechanized battalion and the proportion of network nodes that an enemy electronicwarfare unit can detect. Two categories of waveforms are considered: a narrowband waveform with 50 kHz bandwidth aimed for VHF communication, and a wideband waveform with 1 MHz bandwidth aimed for UHF communication. The results show that both types of waveforms can be detected over long distances when the radio is transmitting at full power. The longest detection distances are noted for the narrowband waveform. Further, results are presented that show to which extent the detection distance can be reduced by reduction of transmit power in the radios. Using relatively large power reductions can lead to significantly shorter detection distances. Finally, the possibilities of introducing such transmit power reductions for the two types of waveforms are analysed. One prerequisite for such functionality is the support of multihop technology in the waveform.