Mobility in United Nations Peacekeeping - Lessons from MINUSMA᾽s Mobile Task Force


  • Elin Hellquist

Publish date: 2023-06-29

Report number: FOI-R--5470--SE

Pages: 74

Written in: English


  • Mobile Task Force
  • mobility
  • robust
  • international military mission
  • United Nations
  • peacekeeping


This report investigates the creation and application of the Mobile Task Force (MTF) within MINUSMA, the UN's peace operation in Mali. Thereby, the study aims to increase the understanding of rationales and conditions for mobility in peace operations with a high threat level and robust mandates. The report highlights two main reasons why mobility has become a priority for MINUSMA: (i) out of necessity, since the mission is expected to do more with the same resources; (ii) to match the asymmetrical conflict dynamics and be able to protect civilians through proactive, robust operations, wherever threats appear. To better grasp how mobility can be attained, the report examines four factors: mindset, capabilities, enablers, and consent. In an extremely challenging mission environment, the MTF has largely had both a mindset and capabilities for mobility, and been able to bring a UN presence to new locations. However, a lack of trust in enablers and the persistence of actual gaps among them, as well as limitations in the consent from Malian transitional authorities, have hindered the MTF from reaching the envisaged level of mobility.