Multifunctional Radio Systems


  • Ema Becirovic
  • Leif Festin
  • Kristoffer Hägglund
  • Jan Nilsson

Publish date: 2024-01-25

Report number: FOI-R--5566--SE

Pages: 29

Written in: Swedish


  • multifunction
  • radiosystems
  • full-duplex


A general radio system that is based on software-defined radio can in principle be used for multiple functions, such as communication, radar, jamming and other electronic warfare functions. Introducing multiple functions on more radio units would lead to a distributed electronic warfare capability which can be used as a complement to the traditional, specialized, electronic warfare units used today. This report defines the meaning of multifunctional radio systems and presents an overview of published works in the field. A study of the research front shows that applications in autonomous driving is the driving force in the research on joint communication and sensing which leads to that the bulk of the research concerns these topics. However, in later years, more papers have been published on joint communication and electronic warfare functions which shows that the topic is interesting for the research community and will continue to be so. In military applications, multifunction can be realized in a singular node as well as in a system of nodes, a system of distributed electronic warfare functionality. On a single-node level, the first priority should be to integrate electronic support, so that each single node independently should be able to detect and decide whether a signal is a threat, and from which direction it arrives. A system of distributed electronic warfare functionality should also be able to calculate positions, identify, track, create and share a situational picture. The system should also be able to identify what communication should be jammed and also coordinate electronic attack from several different nodes