Data mules in future command and control systems - A complement to traditional radio communication through physical transport of data


  • Pär-Anders Albinsson

Publish date: 2024-04-15

Report number: FOI-R--5592--SE

Pages: 37

Written in: Swedish


  • data mule
  • data muling
  • UAV
  • drones


Our starting point in the report is the increasing need for communication of the future military command systems. By using drones as command and control system nodes that physically transport data between dispersed units, these so-called data mules can enable data transmission even when units are outside of regular radio coverage. The report includes a literature review and a discussion on data mules in relation to military command and control, incorporating three forward-looking scenarios. Despite the area being under development, we assess that data mules show sufficient potential for continued exploration. Although advanced solutions involving collaborative and dynamic data mules require extensive hardware and software development, basic functionality can be achieved with a simple application where all data mules act more statically. Starting trials and experiments with such simple applications is a way to better understand the potential and limitations of data mules in military command and control for the Swedish Armed Forces.