Ett franskt maktskifte med konsekvenser? Fransk utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik under Nicolas Sarkozy
Publiceringsdatum: 2008-10-29
Rapportnummer: FOI-R--2590--SE
Sidor: 96
Skriven på: Svenska
- France
- foreign- and security policy
- defence policy
- transatlantic relations
- the United States
- Great Britain
- Germany
- livre blanc
- White Paper
The aim of this report is to analyse French foreign- and security policy and the implications of the change of President and government. What are the consequences for the EU, ESDP, NATO and for the relationship with Great Britain and the United States? The analysis shows that the policy in many ways has remained unchanged. The changes that have occurred concern mainly style, rhetoric and intensity and do not constitute any ideological U-turns.