Lessons learned in the Navy
Publish date: 2001-08-02
Report number: FOA-R--00-01647-201
Pages: 30
Written in: Swedish
Lessons Learned is a internationally well known concept for dealing with experiences from operations and exercises. A Lesson Learned can treat any subject, i.e. materiel or tactics. The definition of a Lesson Learned varies between organisations, as does the routines for handling Lessons Learned. The report is written by the Operation Analysis Team at the Swedish Naval Command.The aim is to describe methods and routines for implementing a Lessons Learned concept for the Swedish naval forces. The description is given in the context of the present process for development of tactics within the navy. A concept of a "Leammg organisation" is introduced and from that a method of handling Lessons Learned is suggested that will facilitate the management of knowledge in the Navy. The process that is suggested consists of Lessons Learned Report, LLP, that can be written at any level in the organisation and then handed upwards in the chain of command. The LLR:s are collected locally by the flotillas/brigades and validated. The LLR:s that passes validation will make up the local Lessons Learned Database, Local LLDB. The Lessons Learned that are of common interest is forwarded to the Naval command, where they make up the central LLD13. Periodically the central LLDB is distributed to every unit in the organisation, thus spreading the knowledge that is of common interest to all parties concerned.