High voltage generation and power conditioning with TTHPM
Publish date: 2001-03-30
Report number: FOA-R--00-01760-612
Pages: 28
Written in: English
High-Power Microwave (HPM) weapons constitute a serious threat to all systems based on electronic devices, both military and civilian. A number of possible microwave sources can be used in HPM-weapon applications. Large HPM warheads are expected to use radiation sources based on acceleration of electrons by a high voltage pulse. To work properly, such sources put specifik demands on the voltage pulse with respect to peak voltage and rise time. It is therefore essential to master the technology of hogh voltage generation and pulse conditioning to be able to produce microwaves in such systems. For laboratory research purposes a Table-Top High Power Microwave (TTHPM) system has been constructed. It enables study of a technique for high voltage generation and pulse shaping based on an inductor, an exploding wire fuse and spark gap closing switch. The intention is to produce a high voltage pulse that can power a vircator type HPM source. This report describes the TTHPM system, modification that have been made to the TTHPM and the capacitor bank used, experimental results on high voltage generation and pulse shaping, techniques used for measurement of currents, and computer simulation of the TTHPM circuit. Experiences attained so far are summarised and it is concluded that the system will not without major reconstruction be able to produce more than 150 kV pulses.