Travel report - the DYMAT conference in Krakow 25-29/9 2000


  • Nilsson Martin

Publish date: 2001-01-29

Report number: FOA-R--00-01803-310

Pages: 15

Written in: Swedish


The author has visited the DYMAT conference 2000 in Krakow, Poland. The report consists of a brief description of some of the most interesting contributions to the conference. The conference had sessions about constitutive equations, forming and cutting of metals, experimental methods, material properties, numerical simulation of high strain rate phenomena, crash worthiness and ballistics and lastly application to shock. After visiting the conference it was possible to see some overall trends: o the use of simple, repeatable and cheap test methods for verifying numerical simulations. o advanced Hopkinson bar equipment for specialised applications. o better methods for measuring Hopkinson bar experiments. o the great significance of proper material models and proper input to the material models.