Annual report 2000 on Environmental studies


  • Ahlberg Mats

Publish date: 2001-03-15

Report number: FOI-R--0005--SE

Pages: 20

Written in: Swedish


This report summarises the results of the research program Environmental studies during 2000. In co-operation with Norway the dispersion of lead from bullets in soil is studied. The material is gathered from the battlefield at Fredrikstens fästning outside Halden. A dispersion model for TNT in soil has been developed based on a model for dispersion of chemical warfare agents. The most significant properties for the binding of TNT in soil are the organic content folowed by the content of clay. The binding to dissolved organic material is of specific type while the binding to solid organic material is a hydrofobic distribution. All the three explosives CL 20, FOX 7 and FOX 12 have been shown to affect the reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia. Thus the ecotoxicological properties of these explosives have to be further investigated. A microbiological test method and a test method using algae have been developed. A grinding method has been developed for brittle material such as conventional explosives. The method results in a suspension that can be burnt in a fluidised bed. Due to the low energy content additional fuel, such as packing material has to be added. A survey of possible methods for qualitative life cycle assessment has been performed. Three methods suitable for evaluation have been identified.