Evaluation of stirrer efficiency in FOI mode-stirred reverberation chambers


  • Lunden Olof
  • Bäckström Mats
  • Wellander Niklas

Publish date: 2001-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0250--SE

Pages: 62

Written in: English


In this report investigations of the correlation coefficients have been performed using single and dual mode-stirrers independently in FOI large reverberation chamber. Also in focus has been to quantify the fit to the presumed statistical power distribution using goodness-of-fit test techniques. Moreover, investigations have been performed on the maximum value distribution in the chambers and the relations between statistical independence anti correlation of measured data. A stringent methodology, using significant tests on stirrer correlation and on the assumed statistical distribution, has been used to evaluate reverberation chamber performance. A conclusion is that the requirement of uncorrelated samples was the limiting factor for the low frequency performance for the chamber, except for the case where two anode-stirrers were used. Investigations using two anode-stirrers instead of one has shown that this will square the number of uncorrelated positions and halve the lowest useful frequency. Moreover, it seems that the goodness of fit method fir estimation of the number of statistically independent stirrer positions is to preferred before the e (-1) rule since the latter seems to accept data that are statistically dependent.