Ageing control number 3 of propellants for rocket motors RB 75 Maverick
Publish date: 2002-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0495--SE
Pages: 26
Written in: Swedish
This report describes the analysis of the rocket motor grain and the rocket igniter assembly. This is the third consecutive test concerning the state of RB 75 rocket motor grain, and the first on the rocket motor igniter, performed at FOI. The following tests have been performed: * The rocket grain: tensile strength, insulation adhesion, glass transition temperature and propellant hardness. * The rocket igniter: microcaloriemetric investigation, electrical resistance measurement, components have been ocularly inspected and photographed. * The strain tests of the propellant grain show a somewhat peculiar behaviour regarding ultimate strain as function of temperature. This behaviour is however in accordance with previous test results.