Expanding ADMIRE's Aerodynamic Evelope for High Angels of Attack
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0771--SE
Pages: 57
Written in: English
The aim of this report is to expand the aerodynamic database of an aircraft model called ADMIRE (Aero-Data Model In a Research Environment). The aircraft is a generic canard-delta configuration and the expansion has focused on it´s angle of attack range. The new aerodynamic database is developed according to present theory on high angle of attack aerodynamic for close-coupled delta-canard configuration and compared with the X-31A aircraft. The angle of attack limit has been expanded from 30 degrees to 90 degrees and includes the effect of canard and elevon deflection. Fundamental increments of pitching moment, normal force and tangential force as functions of angle of attack have after the expansion been added to the original database. The result is an aircraft with realistic controllability and behaviour at high angles of attack in longitudinal direction, but with unrealistic roll accelerations. This report is a master´s thesis governed by the Department of Aeronautics at KTH and carried out on behalf of the Swedish Defence Research Agency.