A survey of methods for detection of extended ground targets in EO/IR imagery


  • Karlholm Jörgen
  • Ulvklo Morgan
  • Nyberg Sten
  • Lauberts Andris
  • Linderhed Anna

Publish date: 2003-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0892-SE--SE

Pages: 144

Written in: English


The report summarizes a study of methods for detection of extended ground targets in EO/IR imagery conducted at FOI Linköping. The following topics are treated: target appearance variability; generation and selection of image features; detectors and classifiers; computationally efficient search strategies. The principal result is the identification of a class of algorithms designed as a sequence of increasingly complex classifiers, which, in conjunction with efficient feature extraction, permits (near) real-time processing of video sequences on standard desktop computers.