A study of target information exchange between collaborating missiles in a network


  • Gustavsson Jan
  • Jonsson Nils-Uno
  • Karlsson Nils
  • Wilow Mathias

Publish date: 2003-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--0946--SE

Pages: 18

Written in: Swedish


In a study of how missiles can take advantage of exchange of target information, a simulation model has been developed. In the model the sensor information from a number of missile sensors is fused together to get a common picture of the target scene. This work is focussed on the seekers and on the fusion of sensor data. With the model sea scenarios can be studied. Different types of seekers can be used, i.e. active radar, passive radar and IR. The targets are ships equipped with EW countermeasures, i.e. radar warners and chaff. Results from simulations show possibilities to improve the overall precision of the missile sensors when their sensor information is fused together, but above all, it shows possibilities for the missiles to better withstand the effects of countermeasures.