COMBIS - version 2.0
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0947--SE
Pages: 20
Written in: English
A research tool called COMBIS (Combined Maritime Background Information System) has continuously been developed. The purpose of COMBIS is to demonstrate new functions/methods that we believe will be of importance in future tactical support systems. The work is guided by three scenarios which the Swedish navy may confront. These are described as: to protect our home basin (level 1), protection during transit (level 2) and protection during covert operations (level 3). The scenarios put different requirements on functions/methods implemented in COMBIS. Up to now, COMBIS has been equipped with tools to manage some of the challenges in the first level of difficulty. Compared to COMBIS version 1.0 the main modifications are; a new graphical user interface, additional acoustic wave propagation models (MODELOSS and RAYLAB), a possibility to specify more complex acoustic sources, detection probabilities for both acoustics and electromagnetics, an inversion tool to estimate electromagnetic environments from measurements, to view and use oceanographic forecast fields, to view and use oceanographic climatology and to estimate the local oceanographic environment using a data assimilation technique.