NBC GIS - examples of using GIS in NBC applications
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--0993--SE
Pages: 19
Written in: Swedish
This report delas with the methodology in linking models and data in a GIS environment, known as NBC GIS, thus generating new tools and new competence in terms of NBC applications. It provides a comprehensive overview and distinct analysis of effects in situations where agents involving health and environmental hazards are released to the environment. The main object of the present report is to analyse and exemplify the development of an NBC tool for the description and study of consequences for health and environment - as well as for societal vulnerability - when it comes to the release of biological, chemical or radioactive agents. The report also indicates the state of development of the GIS capability at the department. Three exemplifying applications are presented. The first case concerns exposure measurements in an area exposed to radioactive deposition, and the reliability in calculated deposition patterns emanating from using data from exposure measurements along specified routes in the air or on the ground. The second case touches the subject of prognoses on short- and long-term contamination and vulnerability regarding the food production in the case of radioactive deposition. Finally, the third case shows in what way GIS is applied in preparedness activities in which effects of certain class N, B and C events are graphically mapped. The latter case describes work generated by FOI as part of the project "Preparedness Iraq".