NätSim - An environment for network-based modelling and simulation
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1067--SE
Pages: 24
Written in: Swedish
During 2002 and 2003 a project was carried out at FOI with the short term NetSim ("Network Based Modelling and Simulation"). Some parts of the work 2002 were performed in cooperation with the project "Web-based HLA Federations and Simulations", WebSim. The foremost goal of the NetSim project has been to investigate the advantages of combining Modelling and Simulation (M&S) with network and web technologies and find out how this may affect our ways of modelling and simulating. Suitable methods, techniques and tools have been identified, adjusted to and developed, in order to fulfil the goals. To experiment with relevant methods and tools, and demonstrate the advantages of using those, a prototype of a web-based environment for development and execution was developed. The prototype simulation kernel is based on HLA, and P2P technology is used for management of distributed resources and for computer-based collaboration. The NetSim environment can be used for among others component-based simulation development and distributed simulation execution. Further on all activities can be performed using computer-based collaboration, i.e. people may, though located in different places, together perform the activities. Another goal has been to spread knowledge about the area. This has been accomplished through conference papers, lectures, and through initializing the creation of a network of people who work within the area. Also work has been started to develop an infrastructure (a network lab) for experimental research and studies regarding network based M&S. Moreover cooperation with universities and institutes has been established.