LORA Final report
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1088--SE
Pages: 28
Written in: Swedish
SAR will be a very important sensor in feature network centric C41SR systems. The technology enables wide area surveillance regardless of weather conditions or time of day. By combining SAR signal processing, ultra wide bandwidth (UWB) and low operating frequencies new and unique performances can be obtained e.g. detection of stationary targets under foliage or camouflage. FOI have been active in low frequency SAR technology for many years with its well-known CARABAS system. Based on this work, the technology now has been further developed to include detection of moving targets under foliage. For this purpose the LORA (LOW frequency RAdar) has been developed. This new generation of technology demonstrator has been tested for both ground- and airborne applications and is now available at FOI as a research platform for development of new applications.