Optronic sensor systems for enhanced reconnaissance capabilities
Publish date: 2003-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1104--SE
Pages: 66
Written in: Swedish
This project studies how future optronic systems should be designed and operate in order to develop new and improved reconnaissance abilities in the future defence. Novel imaging systems like multi/hyperspectral sensors and 1D, 2D and 3D imaging laser radar have been studied. The sensor technology, together with signal and image processing methods, has been studied and also modelling of the underlying physical principles on which the sensor data is based. All together this creates premises for evaluating of the performance. The project has lead to grown abilities within sensor development for multispectral, hyperspectral, 2D and 3D laserradar and vibrometry, methods for characterizing of scene elements, algorithms for image- and signal processing of data from the specific types of sensors and sensor systems. The result is demonstrated by an example showing how future sensor systems may work by coordinating the functions in order to be used in an optimally efficient way. The result indicates a substantial potential for detection and identification of hidden targets by the use of coordinated multispectral technique and laser radar.