A new agent for persoanl decontamination - a literature study
Publish date: 2004-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1212--SE
Pages: 26
Written in: Swedish
PS 104 (chlorinated lime and magnesium oxide) is used for personal decontamination in Sweden. Since it is irritaing and potentially corrosive to the skin, it must not be used on eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds. PS 104 can also produce technical and environmental problems by being dusty and releasing chlorine. Thus, PS 104 should be replaced with a product with more favourable properties. The scope of this overview of personal decontaminating agents and barrier creams is to find a candidate that effectively decontaminates chemical warfare agents, toxic risk chemicals and biological agents without harming the skin or the environment. It should be useful for decontamination of open wounds, effectively decontaminate at low and high temperatures, be storable for long periods of time and, finally, be inexpensive. At present there is a promising, international development within the field of barrier creams, but yet no factual support for evaluation and recommendation of these products. RSDL fulfils most requirements but unfortunately, it is expensive. It effectively decontaminates nerve agents. It is, however, as are other products used for personal decontamination, much less effective against sulphur mustard. Further knowledge about its decontamination capacity at low temperature and against biological agents is desired. Its effects in wound decontamination have to be examined. RSDL appears to be the best choice among the decontamination products available. As PS 104 can be used to decontaminate intact skin, except the face, and clothed parts of the body, it could complement RSDL. If so, the respective areas of use should be defined.