Method for identifying shortcoming in the management of CBRN events


  • Melin Lena
  • Bergman Ronny
  • Karlsson Engman Lena
  • Macellaro Anna
  • Rejnus Lars
  • von Schoenberg Pontus
  • Scott Andersson Åsa
  • Waldenström Louise
  • Wirstam Jens

Publish date: 2004-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1530--SE

Pages: 99

Written in: Swedish


The work associated with the development of the method that was presented in the previous report was initiated in January 2003, and its purpose was foremost to constitute a means for FOI to identify the future research needed within the CBRN subject area. During the work process it became evident that the method, through further development and adjustment, could be useful for other actors, among other as a means for risk- and vulnerability assessments of identification of preventive measures that can strengthen the crisis management system. The 2004 objective has therefore been to present a method that can be used in such a way by municipalities and authorities. Since there are no existing methods that are specifically adapted for sweeping analyses and assessments of CBRN events, the presented method can therefore constitute a useful tool that facilitates the work process. At FOI, a compilation of around 100 scenarios exists and scenarios at other authorities should be used in the process. By using these scenarios, in combination with the method, different types of shortcoming in the crisis management system can be identified relatively fast and simple.