Missile simulation modell TURBO SIMECS version v0.5
Publish date: 2005-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1675--SE
Pages: 35
Written in: English
A key component in the development of control solutions for complex weapon systems is high fidelity simulation models. Such models can be used to describe everything from the details of a single sensor to the interaction of several combat entities, such as aircraft, missiles and radar systems. This report describes a generic simulation model, or modeling framework, for modeling of primarely airborne vehicles such as missiles and aircraft. The model is called TURBO SIMECS (The Universal Rigid BOdy SImulation Model for Evaluation of Control Systems) and is capable of modeling an entire vehicle in six-degrees-of-freedom motion, including sensors and actuators, and utilizing different forms of representations for the external forces and moments acting on the frame. Control effects on the vehicle can be generated by using forces and moments from control surface deflections or by thrust vectoring. The model is implemented in Ptolemy II which is a general environment for modeling of multi domain systems that supports hierarchical object oriented models using different models of computation, such as continuous time, discrete time, discrete event systems, mixes of these, and several more. Ptolemy II is based on a set of Java classes and uses an XML format to describe models which makes portability and documentation very straightforward. The document provides the design specifications, outlines the structure of a typical model and describes the various objects that make up a model. A simple use case is also given for a specific model.