Final report Vulnerability assessment project 2003-2005
Publish date: 2005-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1796--SE
Pages: 29
Written in: Swedish
Assessment of effects and vulnerability of platforms concerns all existing weapons´ effects, direct as well as indirect. Many important phenomena can be explained and described with realistic models, but still many other phenomenon descriptions remain to be improved Development of assessment technique involves investigation of different phenomena, particularly those that are less well understood. This is achieved partly by following the literature of the field, partly by carrying out experiments and partly via numerical simulation. When significantly new knowledge about relevant matters are established, then models are designed for future use and existing tools are modified. The present report summarises such work at FOI during the period 2002-2005 within various areas. The understanding of the investigated areas is increased and has resulted in proposals for new experimental work. Such continued development is necessary in order to maintain and broaden competence about assessment of effects and vulnerability within FOI.