Balanced assessment of electronic warfare and signature management technologies, a pre-study


  • Klum Peter
  • Carlsson Patrik
  • Olsson Gustaf
  • Johansson Peter
  • Westerlund Carl-Lennart
  • Svensson Pär
  • Pettersson Göran
  • Hermansson Patrik
  • Nelsson Claes
  • Gadd Staffan
  • Rahm Jonas
  • Habberstad Hans

Publish date: 2005-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--1817--SE

Pages: 84

Written in: Swedish


Signature Management Technologies (SMT) and Electronic Warfare (EW) are two important assets in order to increase survivability of platforms and combat units and be able to fulfill a mission objective. This report describes the effort that has been conducted in the pre-study "Värdering avvägning TK/SAT, en förstudie". In the pre-study, operational systems, methods and tools for balancing SMT and EW have been studied. In addition software has been developed to demonstrate a balancing method. The purpose of the pre-study has been to lay the foundation for further work in the field of combined and balanced SMT/EW support systems. Balancing these assets may improve survivability and efficiency for platforms and combat units. A restriction has been made in that only SMT/EW support systems applicable to planning, prior to and during combat missions have been studied. System, methods and tools have been compiled in the report, together with acquired experience. One conclusion is that balancing SMT/EW is an exceedingly complex task and that further work has to be conducted. Further work should, for example: * be restricted to SMT/EW support during combat missions * be restricted to ground combat operations * select a few promising methods for assessment * develop co-operation with domain experts in the field of SMT, EW, decision support and resource allocation In a future work the operational needs for SMT/EW support has to be identified.