How does one decide which geographical information that is critical during international assignments in urban environments?
Publish date: 2006-01-01
Report number: FOI-R--1970--SE
Pages: 33
Written in: Swedish
This report describes a pre-study performed in the autumn of 2005 with in the project "TEkniskt BEslutsstöd" (TEBE). The purpose of the pre-study was to initiate studies regarding which type of geographical information that is critical for international missions in urban environments. Besides identifying which geographical information that is critical, the study has also focused on issues regarding resolution of mapinformation and how the information could be visualized in 2D and 3D. The pre-study is based upon earlier work about dynamic decision making, geographical information, tactical command and control and extensive interviews performed with Swedish officers with solid experience from critical situations in international environments. The study was performed in a laboratory environment - by means of a research platform where officers with experience from international missions participated as subjects. The results are based upon technical measure, observations and interviews, and have mainly been used to further develop the measuring methodology for the upcoming trails in 2006.