User test LKS demonstrator version 1


  • Hammervik Magdalen
  • Lindoff Jenny
  • Castor Martin

Publish date: 2006-01-01

Report number: FOI-R--2034--SE

Pages: 49

Written in: Swedish


FOI is developing a demonstrator of the Command & Control Warfare Simulator (LedningsKrigsSimulator, LKS) on a FMV awarded contract. The development at FOI has been going on since the summer of 2005 and a first version of the demonstrator was delivered in April 2006. The LKS project is using the FEDEP method and the participants of the modelling team for the conceptual model of LKS come from the Armed Forces, Defence Material Administration (FMV), National Defence College (FHS) and the Defence Research Agency (FOI). The technical development is performed by FOI Dep. Electronic Warfare Assessments and experiments and human performance assessment is handled by researchers at FOI Dep. Man System Interaction and FOI Dep. Systems Development & IT security. The current report describes the first user tests with users outside the development team and was performed in the demonstrator environment in July 2006. Two test subjects played three times in a scenario where a modern corvette escorted a RORO ship on which parts of a international rapid deployment force were located. A number of enemy sensors and a missile battery were deployed along the coastline. The test subjects had a number of electronic warfare and computer network operations actions at their disposal in order to be able to solve their respective tactical tasks. The results from this user test are a first important indication that the simulation that runs in the LKS demonstrator is usable and understandable to external test subjects. It is also a clear indication that the demonstrator environment, and probably the future complete simulator, is useful for visualisation of the effects on command and control by electronic warfare and computer network operations.